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Hog Marketing Services
Our Hog Marketing Services cover a wide range of options, all fully customizable to your individual needs, powered by representatives working just for you.
General Services
Price Discovery
Accountable, transparent pricing methods for both domestic and US markets.
Daily Processor Contact
Working in our customer’s best interests, always.
Grid Simulations
Accurate identification of the program that will maximize every producer’s returns.
Margin Over Feed Report
Identifying the optimum hog carcass weight based on feed cost.
Marketing Representatives
Personalized one-on-one farm consultations.
Market Information
Hog Margin Outlook (HMO)
Daily hog prices with valuable commentary available on the web, email, and equipped smartphones.
h@ms Portal
Up-to-date internet access to hog carcass grading data, settlements and reports.
Historical Hog Price Data
Accurate hog price data to aid in forward pricing decisions.
Producer Scorecard
Goal-oriented benchmarking versus member averages.
Personalized one-on-one farm consultations.
Knowledgeable, unbiased information to help you maximize your profitability.
Assembly Facilities
Assembly Yard
Our Winnipeg Livestock location is able to provide flexible delivery options with the ability to efficiently coordinate, assemble and market all types of hogs.
Cull Sow Marketing
Tendered to ensure competitive and transparent pricing.
Payment Accuracy
Our settlement system ensures you are paid for the hogs you deliver.
Grading Warrant
Designed by producers, this report delivers easy to read individual hog data that allows you to make better decisions for your business.
Cash Advances
Advances for both market hogs and sows on delivery.
Weanling Coordination
Weanling Coordination Service
Accommodate both Buyers and Sellers. Contact Andy Cardy by phone or email
Risk Management
Our Risk Management Services combine the peace of mind you need with the expertise we offer to make your business more successful. Our unique blend of programs offers flexible delivery while our dedicated in-house staff of hog risk management specialists are working to help you manage your margins.
Forward Pricing Options
The Fixed Forward Contract is the most popular hedging tool and easiest to manage in terms of forward margin calculation. Producers are guaranteed a fixed base price in CAD/ckg. under the Fixed Forward contract program.
An Actual Basis Contract (ABC) is available for sophisticated risk managers.
Fixed Forward Contracts
Offering producers the ability to fix or ‘lock in’ hog prices 8 to 12 months* out.
(*Depending on the risk assessment at the time)
Transparent Pricing
Pricing reported daily on the Hog Margin Outlook with the Opening Price Report delivered direct to your inbox, smartphone, or via the h@ms Portal.
Actual Basis Contracts (ABCs)
Providing enhanced hedging flexibility for more sophisticated risk managers. This is an innovative service that provides producers with maximum flexibility while still offering price protection.
Producers have the flexibility to deliver hogs against an ABC over a one to two month window depending on the contract period.
A large delivery window is made possible by taking hedges on both the dollar and the hog contracts, leaving producers exposed to changes in the basis.
The producer accepts basis risk in exchange for giving up price risk.
Producers still maintain broad coverage against price swings but are now able to take advantage of dynamic basis changes.
This program offers the advanced hedgers the flexibility they desire with the potential to manage basis without tying up a lot of capital.
Target Pricing and Price Alerts
Target Pricing allows producers the ability to set strike prices and potentially capture favourable market movements without having to sit by your computer. Target Pricing allows producers to choose a price at which they are prepared to forward contract hogs to h@ms Marketing Services, over a specified time period.
If the forward price reaches the target over the valid time period, h@ms Marketing Services will automatically generate a Fixed Price Contract at the targeted price. No other authorization is needed.
Target prices should be based on past pricing information, the farm’s cost of production, and your overall market outlook.
Price Alerts are a new feature where producers can set their own ‘watchlists’ from the comfort of their homes via the h@ms Portal. Additional assistance will be provided by office staff if needed. Set as many as you wish.
Price Alerts work the same way as a Target Pricing, but in this case, a contract *is not* generated. Instead, the producer is automatically texted or emailed that an Alert price has been reached, at which point they should call the Risk Management office to discuss potential hedging strategies.
In both Target Pricing and Price Alerts, the price that producers select will be higher than the current forward price. But be careful not to price yourself out of the market.
In-transit insurance
Ensure that your hogs are covered from the farm to the kill floor at a low affordable cost. Base rate starts at $0.10/$100 of value.